The Friends of St. Laurence (FOSL) is a Registered Charity, Number 1114108

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FOSL was established by the initiative of Mike Cloughley who invited a number of local residents to join a group to help support the Church. None of the members of the initial group of Trustees was a regular churchgoer (the latter already make their own contributions to the Church). Under the Chairmanship of John Bartley, FOSL was registered with the Charity Commissioners (Reg. Number 1114108), and first met in 2006.

To date, FOSL has raised well over £50,000, all of which has been used exclusively for the maintenance of the church.

The current list of Trustees comprises:

Colin Chalker (Chairman - to whom all general enquiries should be addressed) 01252 781213 / 07771 605540

Richard Dance (Treasurer - to whom all things financial, including Friends' application forms should be directed) 01252 781213 / 07767 606020

David Knapp (Legal adviser and occasional entertainer) 01483 810466

Ron Oldaker (Keeper of sanity & decorum) 01252 783623

The Trustees also acknowledge the support given to FOSL by Bridget Biddell, the Tustees of Seale Village Hall, the Trustees of the Hampton Estate, and of Rev. Ron Wood and Ven. Adrian Harbidge (past Rectors) of the Benefice to which St. Laurence belongs.