The Friends of St. Laurence (FOSL) is a Registered Charity, Number 1114108

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In March 2009, extensive repairs were undertaken to the top of the Church. This is a rare view from the top of the spire  looking west.

The current building dates back to the late 11th Century, although an older church is known to have been on the site. The monks of Waverley Abbey were instrumental in erecting most of the church as seen today, although a major restoration was made in 1860. The church is one of 275 in the UK dedicated to St Laurence and is located on the ancient Pilgrims’ Way used by pilgrims heading for Canterbury.

The bell tower is accessed from an external door to the south-east of the church and houses a peal of six bells, the oldest and largest is the tenor bell dating from the 16th c. and was reputedly brought from Chertsey Abbey after the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII.

There are many memorials in side the church, including one written by Lord Byron.

The main door is of Norman origin and the font is 12th Century. The most recent addition to the church was the oak lych gate erected in 2004 by the local craftsman,. Darren.

This beautiful church is the oldest building in current use for many miles around and is well worth a visit.